Owl Themed Classroom

I will be joining a brand new school next year, and I can't wait! I have always wanted to help start a new school, and I am extremely excited about being part of this amazing school. I will be working with a wonderful staff! My new school is a project based learning (PBL) school, and I want my classroom theme to go along with my school's approach to education. So next year my students will be Tighe's Thinkers instead of Tighe's Tigers, and we will have an owl themed classroom.

I will be creating different owl themed products for my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I just finished creating an owl themed behavior clip chart for my classroom. I use this clip chart in my classroom everyday to manage student behavior. I like this system because it focuses on positive behavior, and gives my students a chance to improve their behavior. Each student has a clothespin for this chart to keep track of his/her behavior throughout the day. At the end of the day, they record their behavior in their agendas.

Here's the finished product. Ready for next year!


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